Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So you have decided to have a baby.

An Article By Kent Hadley

So you have decided to have a baby, that’s a big decision no one has to tell you that. You probably have looked at all the factors involved in having a baby. Most of all I bet you checked on your insurance to see how much of the expense they will cover. Maybe you have even sat down with your doctor to talk about expenses with him or her. Next you call the insurance company and they tell you what your deductible is and what your total out of pocket costs will be. $200.00 to $300.00, not bad. That is hardly even a consideration, was it even part of your decision?

Now let’s consider that you have no health insurance and you still want to have a baby, or maybe you have found that you are pregnant. Just what does it cost to have a baby? Of course the costs vary throughout our country but an average can be gotten. Following is a breakdown of one delivery complete with doctor visits, lab tests, and drugs. How typical is it? Probably very typical.

2 day hospital room (labor room & maternity) - 1268.00 Pre-term and Maternity room care - 2104.69 Delivery fee - 1013.56 OB/GYN doctor fee - 2005.60 Fetal Monitoring (19 hrs.) - 803.13 Various lab tests, supplies, drugs - 547.31 --------- 7742.29

Where does the $7742.29 come from if you have no insurance? There is title XIX and Medicaid if your income allows and if not many doctors and hospitals have funds for those without insurance. Relax the bills will be mostly paid for, we love babies.

OK one more scenario, let’s say you wish to adopt a child. You call your insurance company and they laugh. There is no Title XIX or Medicaid. There are no doctors or hospitals involved so the cost can not be taken out there. Well just what does the average adoption cost? An overseas adoption will cost the parents an average of $20,000. That does not include the transportation costs to travel and pick up the child. $20,000, why would anyone want to spend that much money? Maybe there is no other option. This is not a negotiable price but what is charged by the agencies that handle adoptions. And some are even more expensive. Adoption in this country has become an activity for the wealthy. The middle class has been priced out of the market.

Today there are many young families who would be wonderful parents and there are many children who need parents. What is keeping them apart is money. The expense of adoption is borne totally on the adopting parent. They are subjected to either going deeply into debt, becoming full time fund raisers, or begging. This is not right. What is needed is an understanding that adopting parents are going through the same process as all expectant parents. The only difference is the lack of insurance or safety net to cover the birth of the child. The end result is the same a new child will be brought into a family.

How can you help? First by understanding the adopting parent’s predicament. They are your neighbor, friend, co-worker, relative, fellow church member, or maybe someone you see everyday in your regular routine. They need something but feel funny asking you for it. What they need is some money. The adoption has been approved and all that stands between them having a baby or not is money. Put a few bucks or maybe a check into an envelope and mark it for their baby fund; hand it to them and no explanation is needed. When you see the new little baby with the smiling new parents you can be proud of the part you took in making the miracle happen.


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